Smiley Wings Aviation
Licence Requirements
To obtain a National Private Pilots Licence (NPPL) for Microlights, You will need to complete the following:
Un restricted NPPL
25 flight hours training with a minimum of:
10 hours solo flight training,
5 hours Navigation, 3 hours solo Nav. 2 Hours dual Nav.
2 x Cross Country flight of 40Nm each, to a different location with
one stop minimum 15Nm away,
5 Written Exams:
Air law / Human performance / Navigation / Meteorology / Aeroplane part 1.
GST ( General Skill Test) and Aeroplane part2 oral exam.
All exams must be condicted by a Flight Examiner Instructor.
Restricted NPPL
15 flight hours training, of which:
7 hours solo flight training,
5 written exams, as above,
GST (general Skill Test) and aeroplane part2, oral exam, to be conduct by an Flight Examiner Instructor,
Cannot fly beyond 8Nm distance from the departure point,
Cloud base not less then 1000 feet,
Cross wind 15 kts maximum,
Minimum visibility 10 Km,
Cannot carry passenger,
To apply for the removal of restrictions, you must complete the Cross Country Navigation dual and solo, and have a minimum 10 hour solo flying and minimum 25 hours flight training all under the supervision of an Instructor.

We Can Offer:
Flight Experience flights.
One Day & Half Day introductory course,
One to One tuition to gain the NPPL microlight,
Ground School & written Exams,
GST (General Skill Test),
Certificate of Experience & Certificate of Test,
Conversion on type and differences training certificate,
Intensive Course,
Tour and Training,
Radio Telephony course and Exam,
BMAA & LAA Inspection and Permit to Fly.